
This experience began in 2001 with the support of the Agency of Japanese Cooperation (JICA) who for more than two years taught and trained young people, particularly women, in craft manufacturing in the communities of Lajas and  Ceboruco.

As time went by and aware of the need to generate income for the rural families, Mission ILAC formed groups of rural craftsmen, who have diversified their craft products making this enrichment program not only a source of income but also a potential for developing an entrepreneurial and a leadership spirit in the communities.

This project is developed so that the craftswomen organize micro community companies, learn and develop the necessary skills so that they can continue making their products with the same natural resources and foster a self-cultural identity as it primary added value.

Each group of craftswomen advised by ILAC has identified with the manufacturing of a different type of craft; for example, in the Juncalito Tech-Agricultural and Cultural Center (Centro Tecnico, Agricola y Cultural de Juncalito), artisans makes a religious craft such as crucifixes, rosaries, and crosses. In the Craft Center in Lajas a group of women, heads of the household, have woven purses, bracelets, and sandals in macramé adorned with coconut shells, and other resources that local nature provides.

Crafts produced by these groups of local artisans are made not only with materials, but also with love and hope because they aspire to own their own micro-business to help their families and to succeed.